

1. Credit certification in the field of bidding and tendering: valuing quality and keeping credit certificate, credit enterprise credit AAA level
2. Credit Certification in the Field of Tendering and Bidding in China: Valuing Service and Keeping Credit Certificate Credit Enterprise Credit AAA Level
3. Credit certification in the field of bidding and tendering in China: Quality service, integrity, unit credit, enterprise credit AAA level
4. Credit Certification in the Field of Tendering and Bidding in China: Demonstration Unit for Integrity Management Credit Enterprise Credit AAA Level
5. Credit certification in the field of bidding and tendering in China: Enterprise credit rating certificate Credit enterprise credit AAA level
6. Credit certification in the field of bidding and tendering in China: Enterprise credit rating certificate Credit enterprise credit AAA level
7. Credit certification in the field of bidding and tendering in China: Guo Lei, an honest broker in China
8. China Credit Business Service Platform: SHINHSTON INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO.,LTD  AAA Credit Unit

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